Anthony Wayne Youth Foundation

2024 AWYF Sports Performance Camp


2024 AWYF Sports Performance Camp

We are excited to be offering a Sports Performance camp for the first time this summer to our local coaches and athletes. During these sessions, we will be spotlighting many of the below tactics that athletes can utilize to maximize their performance.


Composure Training 
How do you keep your emotions in check when all the emotions are happening at once.

Intensity Management
How do you get yourself at the appropriate level of intensity in order to compete successfully.

How do you perform at the level you are expected to perform.

How do you prevent burnout during your season.

How do you develop passion and perseverance for long term goals. How do you develop self-discipline and a growth mindset.

Concentration and Focus 
How do you stay engaged in the moment and block out everything else.

How do you envision in your mind successfully completing a task to get mental reps.

How do you identify yourself as an individual outside of being an athlete.



Our session is for coaches ONLY, and is available to any coach who works with high school athletes and younger. The goal of this program is to teach coaches a variety of the tactics listed above so that they can teach them to their players. These sessions will be in a classroom setting, but be prepared for lots of interaction and group work as this will not be a 4 hour lecture.
This session is limited to 30 coaches.

Saturday, June 29, 2024
Location: DEWESoft in Whitehouse, Oh

Coach Program Fee: $147/Coach


The athlete sessions are available to 7th-12th graders for the 2024-2025 school year. Each athlete is advised to attend the ONE session that pertains the most to them. These sessions will be in a classroom setting, but be prepared for lots of interaction and group work as this will not be a 4 hour lecture.
Each athlete camp is limited to 20 athletes/session.

Athlete Program Fee: $147/Athlete/Session


Session One: Managing Big Emotions

This session is geared towards athletes who tend to have big emotions that get in the way of their performance. The primary skills focused on during the session include composure training. If you aren't sure if this session is for your athlete, ask the following questions: Does your athlete get/feel angry or frustrated during competition? Does your athlete get/feel overaggressive or out of control? Do your athlete's aggressive actions negatively impact their performance?

Thursday, June 27, 2024
Located at DEWESoft in Whitehouse, Oh


Session Two: Overcoming Nerves

This session is geared towards athletes who get stressed and overwhelmed leading up to and during competition. Often times they’re in their heads, over thinking their performance. The primary skills focused on in this session include intensity management, focus/concentration, and positive self-talk. If you aren't sure if this session is for your athlete, ask the following questions: Does your athlete get stressed or overwhelmed during competition? Do they feel like their mind goes blank when the have to perform? Do they feel nervous or overthink before a competition?

Friday, June 28, 2024
Located at DEWESoft in Whitehouse, Oh


Session Three: Becoming Grittier

This session is geared towards athletes who struggle with self-discipline. Often times these athletes need to learn how to work hard and understand what it takes to elevate their game. The primary skills focused on in this session include grit, goal setting, and growth mindset. If you aren't sure if this session is for your athlete, ask the following questions: Does your athlete give up on goals too soon? Do they lack self-discipline? Do they struggle to get motivated and put in the needed effort to succeed and accomplish their goals?

Friday, June 28, 2024
Located at DEWESoft in Whitehouse, Oh


Please direct questions to Dr. Andrea Mata at